

Thank you for choosing our products.


The following instructions will help you make the most out of our quality.



  1. Short Description: Heat setting mortar to be used in the installation of bricks and refractory bricks masonry.



  1. Packaging-Storage
  • These refractory materials are packed in special paper sacks, of about 25 kg, in wooden pallets.
  • Shrink foil wrapping protects the refractory materials against moisture.
  • These refractory materials should be stored in dry place and cool warehouse (shelf life is indicative to the Technical Data Sheets).
  •  Pallet stacking is admissible and the max loaded pallets must not exceed 3 pallets. If the shelf life has been exceeded, our Technical Service Department should be contacted before use.
  • “First in – First out” management of stored materials is advisable.
  • The material has to be stored above freezing temperature.
  • Due to high humidity and strong solar radiation in tropical countries, storage in a dry, covered place is recommended.
  • The shrink wrapping should be removed only prior to mixing.



  1. Tools and Machnery
  • Tools and all equipment must be clean and free from dirt and pollutants.
  • Mortars can be mixed with mechanical mixers or by hand.
  • To ensure thin joints the brick should be coated homogeneously with mortar using a trowel.
  • Mortar which has already set, cannot be used anymore. If the mortar loses its plasticity during the application to the surface, it is advisable to moisten the brickwork prior to coating.



  1. Water required: 25-30



  1. Installation-Casting
  • The mixing water has to be potable.
  • The major part of the recommended amount of water can be poured into the mixer before adding the material.
  • The mortar should be mixed until the mix is free of lumps.
  • If a chemical-ceramic binding mortar is used, only such an amount of mortar should be pre-mixed which can be processed within 2 hours.
  • To ensure thin joints the brick should be coated homogeneously with mortar using a trowel.
  • Mortar which has already set, cannot be used anymore. If the mortar loses its plasticity during the application to the surface, it is advisable to moisten the brickwork prior to coating.



  1. Drying and Heating up
  • Mortars are dried during pre-heat of the refractory lining.



  1. Winter precautions
  • If the temperature at the point of installation is below 5 °C, pre-heating is recommended. Temperature during setting should be above freezing point.
  • In case of, out of temperature limit conditions, please contact our Technical Service Department.


Important Note: The above instructions are suitable for the most of uses. The final User must follow carefully the instructions of Designer of each specific project.

